330 East 18th Street, New York City


Scope of Work

Architectural Conservator, Historian and Landmarks Representative for the full restoration of the street and rear facades. The scope of work included full brick and brownstone masonry cleaning and restoration, wood element and cast iron restoration on the rear and street facades. The balcony roof was replaced with a new Kemper membrane and copper flashing over a reconstructed wood deck built to match the original profile.


The scope also included the cast iron gate and fence restoration at the street line.


Project Background & Profile

The house was built in 1852 between First and Second Avenues and is both an individual NYC Landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is one of three houses developed by Cornelia Stuyvesant Ten Broeck that are characterized by their front yards and distinctive iron work.


The project began with an archival investigation, full conditions survey and paint analysis for historic finishes on the wood and metal elements in 2010. Construction Documents and specification were commissioned and prepared  in compliance with New York City Landmarks Commission guidelines in 2011. Construction was complete in 2012.